Category: Uncategorized

Floppy Valve Syndrome

Floppy Valve Syndrome, also known as Mitral Valve Prolapse, or Barlow’s Syndrome, or Click-Murmur Syndrome, is a heart disorder in…

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What is Coarctation of Aorta(CoA)?

Coarctation of the aorta(CoA) is described as a congenital condition manifesting as a constricted aortic segment. The localized constriction may…

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What are Ectopic Beats?

An Ectopic Beat or Cardiac ectopy is an irregular beat arising in the heart due to variations in the electrical…

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Batista Operation Procedure

The Batista Operation Procedure was developed by Brazilian surgeon Dr. Randas J. V.  Batista, as a treatment for heart failure.…

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Endocarditis Prophylaxis

Endocarditis is a cardiac condition caused by an infection of the inner lining of the heart. It is generally caused…

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