Cardiac Nuclear Medicine

Cardiac nuclear medicine is a special branch of nuclear science that uses radioactive substance called as radionuclide in the diagnosis of various diseases and abnormalities of the cardiac or heart muscles and tissues.  In the nuclear imaging techniques, the radioisotopes or the radioactive tracers are mixed with other pharmaceutical compounds and chemicals to form radiopharmaceuticals.…

Positron Emission Tomography Imaging

A Positron emission tomography or PET scan is a nuclear medicine imaging technique which can give a representative image of the metabolism and circulation of elements within the organs of the body. By analyzing the images obtained by this non-invasive technique, doctors can detect and treat many types of cancers, heart disorders, brain disfunctions, and…

Pollution and Heart Diseases

The water we drink and the air we inhale plays a lead role in our well being. But at present due to increase in pollution, people fall short of unpolluted air and water.Pollutants are very poisonous, and inhaling pollutants of any form will definitely increase the chances of you having issues with your health. Due…

Floppy Valve Syndrome

Floppy Valve Syndrome, also known as Mitral Valve Prolapse, or Barlow’s Syndrome, or Click-Murmur Syndrome, is a heart disorder in which the mitral valve doesn’t work properly. The mitral valve is responsible for controlling the blood flow between the upper (atrium) and lower (ventricle) chambers on the left side of the heart. In a healthy…

What is Coarctation of Aorta(CoA)?

Coarctation of the aorta(CoA) is described as a congenital condition manifesting as a constricted aortic segment. The localized constriction may form a shelf like structure with an eccentric opening or may be a membranous curtain like structure with a central or eccentric opening. The Coarctation may be discrete, or a long segment of the aorta…

What are Ectopic Beats?

An Ectopic Beat or Cardiac ectopy is an irregular beat arising in the heart due to variations in the electrical conductance system of the heart. Ectopic beats are generally harmless and may occur without any particular cause. Ectopic beats are common in adults and if it happens frequently, an examination should be done, even if…

Batista Operation Procedure

The Batista Operation Procedure was developed by Brazilian surgeon Dr. Randas J. V.  Batista, as a treatment for heart failure. Technically called as  reduction left ventriculoplasty, the Batista operation is a procedure that was primarily developed for patients with dilated left ventricles and severe heart failure.  ​It is an open heart operation performed with the…